Last week, our Sandvick Team said "see ya later" to another retiring teammate. Linda Rosul has been a valued member of the Sandvick Team for well over a decade. Her kind and gentle presence at the office will be terribly missed by all who have had the pleasure of working with her. Of course, we had to celebrate Linda's last day in a Covid-friendly manner with socially-distanced treats at the office, fun decorations, and reminiscing on many shared memories together.
Below are a few parting words from Linda on her career as an architect:
What first attracted you to the field of architecture?
"A drafting class in 12th grade."
How long have you been with Sandvick Architects? What initially
drew you to this firm?
"Started working with Jonathan at Planning Resources in 1983-1984 after
graduating from college... Came back to work for Jonathan at Sandvick
Architects from 2003-2010? Have been back at Sandvick since April 2015
Describe some of your most memorable projects.
"I remember every project because I have learned something from every
one of them. My very first job in the summer of 1979 I was working for Don
Geitz, who designed funeral homes. I remember having to put floor drains
at the base of the embalming beds (which tilted) for when they drained the
fluid from the dead bodies... A very interesting project was designing the
New Organ Transplant Center at the Cleveland Clinic. They were
implementing new transplant equipment from Sweden for keeping the
organs alive longer... All the adaptive re-use projects that I have worked on
at Sandvick have been memorable. Each one is so different from the next.
Different uses and construction types."
What are some funny things that have happened during your
career? What will you miss most?
"Working on a Saturday at Braun & Spice and I started a fire in the
microwave warming up an Arby's sandwich. The fire department showed
up with three trucks and their sirens blaring. They confiscated the
microwave. It was a standing joke in the office for a long time and went in a
lot of different directions... What I will miss most are the people hands
Any big plans once you are officially retired?
"No big plans made yet."
Anything else you would like to share?
"I have really loved working at Sandvick Architects. I feel a connection with
each and every one of you and I so appreciate and thank all of you for
letting me be a small part of your lives. I will miss hearing about and
sharing stories with you all about families, pets, weekends, vacations,
birthdays, weddings, good times and not-so-good times... It has been an
ABSOLUTE pleasure to work with all of you!! Thank you so much!"
Linda, you will be greatly missed! Thank you for so many great years as part of the Sandvick Team!
The Sandvick Team