Part 1 included a few words from members of our team about Bob and a few pictures from over the years. In case you missed it, you can read the post here. This post includes pictures from his retirement party, a few words from Bob, as well as some of his most memorable projects.
Interview with Bob Vilkas
What first attracted you to the field of architecture?
Actually, it was my high school counselor who suggested that architecture may be a good fit for me since I was strong in science, math and art. I guess he was right!
What was your specific role with Sandvick Architects?
Starting out as the 'Code Guy', I was involved in every project. As the years went by, I assumed the role as the Project Executive on some of the major projects and finally evolved into the Project Director working closely with the Preservation Director, Peter Ketter, and the President, Jonathan Sandvick, on early pre-development issues.
What are some funny things that have happened during your career?
I always enjoyed finding humor in all the day-to-day activities that were required to deliver a major architectural development. Trading quips and barbs with fellow staff always managed to keep the office morale high and the mood light even with the typical stress and tensions of the project requirements.
What will you miss the most?
Obviously, the people here at Sandvick Architects. All are professional and knowledgeable individuals with caring and sharing personalities, truly great team members.
Any big plans once you are officially retired?
After turning off my phone and putting my feet up for a while, my wife and I will travel to unique and quirky locations yet to be discovered. I'll spend more time walking, painting, and reading, and be more available to see my numerous grandkids.
Here are some of Bob's most memorable SA projects and a few words from him about each project:

"Cleveland Institute of Art's renovation of the historic building was great working with all of the creative staff on very unique teaching environments."

"Heinz Lofts Phase 2 was challenging to obtain all the various agency approvals and still maintain the Owner's development priorities."

"Bradenton Area Convention Center Hotel (early version) was refreshing in working on a completely new building with significant local impact in sunny Florida."

"925 Euclid Building was (and continues to be) a unique mix of uses in an extremely large building occupying the most significant site in Cleveland and with the potential to make a catalytic impact on downtown Cleveland. I look forward to following the future of this high-profile project."
"Various 'Lost Development' projects with Julie Dornback's guidance and creating high-rise air rights structures in dense urban environments. And not one leaked."
"Finally, I always enjoyed returning to Cleveland City Hall in regard to furthering all our local projects through the agency approval process and re-establishing my lasting relationships with the various City staff that I worked with over my career."

Bob, you will always be a member of the Sandvick Team and family! Thank you for being a part of the team!
The Sandvick Team